love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself
The Logos Center
Herb and Anne Puryear

Welcome! We are delighted that you found us. We invite you to explore our site to learn about us, our community and our work.

~ Herb and Anne Puryear

Click To Hear The Last Sunday Sermon

Browse Our Bookstore

Our online store features the finest titles that are relevant and helpful to the joys and challenges we all face in our daily lives. They are highly recommended by the Logos Staff.

Message from God         Stephen Lives         Stephen Lives         Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation      more



Dreams: The Light of the Night

  • Few know that the very first book to come off the printing press was about dreams. Prior to that there were countless writings about dreams, the most well-known being Biblical stories. This is a hint of their spiritual significance.
  • This book, based on the amazing psychic work of Edgar Cayce, places a great emphasis on making practical application of the information that we glean from working with our dreams.

Order today!

Use This Easy Way To Help The Homeless !

Have you ever been reluctant or unable to reach out to people standing on a street corner with some handmade sign asking for help? Here is a great way to lend a hand and feel good at the same time!
Give that person a “Blessing Bag.”

Details Here.

Read About The Starfish Project

The Starfish Project is part of the Logos outreach effort to be of service in the community. Learn more and begin to help others in your own way by starting

FREE Books Will Change Your Life !

Dear Logos friends,

The Power of the Subconscious Mind by
Dr. Joseph Murphy is VERY helpful and hopeful and it WORKS!
It can be downloaded free HERE.

  The Door of Everything by
Ruby Nelson is also very helpful and hopeful.
It can be downloaded free HERE.

Love, Anne & Herb

Threshold Room Presentation

Anne & Herb Puryear's Threshold Room presentation at the ASCS Conference is now available online, with their power point presentation and links on how to build your own sacred space. Check it out Here.

The Logos Phone # Change

Logos Members know that Logos is a work, not a building. However, when the 64th Street facility was sold, we were unable to keep the old phone number. So, we are using a new number(480)483.9638. This number is answered M-F 8-4, except holidays. Be sure to make a note of it for your records.

New Meeting Place For Logos !

The last Sunday Celebration Service at the Logos Center was held on February 23, 2014. We invite you to join us at the Orange Tree Resort on the first Sunday of every month for future meetings.

  • worship for upcoming topics and most recent recording,
  • online calendar for schedule of events and
  • our contact page for directions.
Logos ONLINE Directory

We are no longer printing the Logos Member Directory. Instead, it is available to all Logos Members who have a membership form on file.

You will need permission to access the directory. Simply send an email to: webmaster [at] LogosCenter [dot] org requesting access. Include in the email what your desired password should be.

You will receive a response within 2 business days with instructions to access the directory.

Afterlife Communication

Check out the new developments in Afterlife Communication. It's not just mediums anymore!

Visit: !

"I've never felt so comfortable in a 'church' in my entire life. I will always be grateful for the help you gave me during my time of need. I don't think I would have made it without you." - Michael M.