love God with all your heart, mind, and soul and your neighbor as yourself
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Edgar Cayce Group

Edgar Cayce

Please click the Resources Tab on the menu bar above to locate an Edgar Cayce Study Group near you. The group studies and discusses the Search for God material on a chapter by chapter basis.

When studying the Cayce Search For God material: the class begins with an opening prayer. A chapter from A Search for God is read, followed by a discussion. After a short break, a meditation is held to assist with the assimilation and attunement of the material studied. The class closes with a journaling session meant to assist with listening to God. The Search for God material teaches that prayer is talking to God, and meditation is listening to God speak. The study group is open to the public, and lasts for approximately two to two and a half hours.

Taken from the Introduction of A Search for God, Books I and II: This book changes lives.

Since 1931, individuals have been meeting to discuss, debate, and apply the material contained in this volume. Since that time literally thousands of groups (and tens of thousands of individuals) have found answers to questions that they sometimes could not even formulate. The information has positively affected lived worldwide.

A Search for God, Books I and II, were written to be helpful to individuals from all walks of life and religious backgrounds. Whether a person comes from a Christian, Jewish, agnostic, or Eastern background, these books could reach out with the hope that true spirituality supersedes religious denomination. Admittedly, the group members responsible for this material presented their understanding of universal laws in what may appear to be decidedly “Christian” terminology. Their primary intent, however, was to explore the oneness of all life and the truths found in the wisdom of the world’s religions. The lessons making up this material led the original group through a study of meditation, psychic ability, reincarnation, and universal laws—information that somehow bridged religious differences and found a common spirituality for all souls who are children of the same God. There are no claims to any unique revelation; in fact, a portion of the Preface states: “There is nothing new here. The search for God is as old as humanity.”

The origins of A Search for God deserve special attention. In September, 1931, a group of ordinary people had a meeting with Edgar Cayce, one of the world’s most notable clairvoyants and mystics. The meeting was called because the members wanted a new challenge. For several months they had been studying the great religious traditions of the world. Now they wanted to work more directly with Cayce’s psychic information. Some wanted to become more spiritual; others, to know if they, like Edgar Cayce, could develop psychic abilities; a few others desired to be of service to a troubled world. But all members of the group hoped to discover more meaning and purpose in their lives.

In the first psychic reading to the group, Cayce offered a promise: if they were sincere in their desire and commitment, they could give “light to the waiting world.” The group members made a covenant with one another and promised to follow certain disciplines to enhance their work together:

  • They would meditate every morning in their own homes, conscious of the fact that the other group members were meditating at the same time.
  • They would faithfully attempt to apply these lessons on spiritual laws suggested by Cayce’s psychic information, share their own discoveries about the material with one another, and be attentive to insights and inspirations that came to them individually in meditation.
  • They would submit questions about their own progress as well as questions on the lesson material to Cayce’s psychic source.
  • They would attempt to live what was being studied and to record their personal experiences for possible inclusion in the text they would write.
  • They would not move on to the next lesson until each individual in the group had learned, understood, and applied the lesson being studied.

Working creatively with A Search for God is much more than simply gaining knowledge of spiritual principles. Instead, this material must be applied, understood, and even “lived” so that we can move beyond mere intellectual knowledge about concepts into a true awareness of universal laws operating in our daily lives. When A Search for God is approached from this perspective, it can truly facilitate lasting, meaningful, personal change. In fact, these twenty-four lessons have been called one of the earliest and most effective tools for group therapy and personal transformation introduced in the Western Hemisphere.

Interestingly, in 1934 a Cayce reading told Study Group #1 that the life-changing insights of their experiences would still be helping people a hundred years into the future. Today, nearly sixty years later, that prediction is clearly being realized. You, too, can become a part of that promise.

Few teachings about the spiritual path have stood the test of time. This edition, A Search for God, is one of them.

A Search for God, Books I & II. 14th ed. Are available in the Online Bookstore.